Wednesday, August 8, 2012


So my I'm Amanda. I live a pretty simple life. I live with my boyfriend Taylor of three and a half years and my puppy Indy. Im a dental assistant for Boston Dental Group. I love it there and I work with great people. The whole reason I started this was because i found a cute and fun 30 day challenge that was for bloggers (: I am the oldest of three and the cutest if you ask me.  I still really trying to decide what I want to do with my life so ill let you guys  know if I figure it out soon (:  I have some pretty amazing people in my life. My dad being one of them. Hes constantly helping his "princess" out of trouble. I have been the princess since before I can remember so maybe its my dads fault if i have a big head. Oh and I love hello kitty, pink stuff and hippos if you are looking to get me something amazing anytime soon (: 

30 Day Challenge 

  1.  Introduction
  2. 20 facts about me
  3. if i had a business, what would it be and why
  4. earliest chilhood memory
  5. my guilty pleasure
  6. 3 personality trait that i am proud of 
  7. 10 favorite foods
  8. old photo of me and story behind it
  9. piercings and tattoos ?
  10. first celb crush
  11. most proud moment
  12. if i won the lottery...
  13. fav quote
  14. whats in my purse
  15. timeline of my day 
  16. dream job
  17. fav childhood book
  18. what am I afriad of
  19. worst habbits
  20. where i want to be in ten years
  21. something i miss
  22. 10 fav songs
  23. pet peeves
  24. difficult time in my life
  25. best physical features
  26. best friend and fav stories
  27. what always makes me feel better
  28. last time i cried 
  29. top ten things on my bucket list 
  30. pets
  31. weird quirk of mine (: 

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